[dated in handwriting of U Thant: 26/11/62, 3:30 pm]
In letters of President Kennedy on October 27 and of Premier Khrushchev and President Kennedy on October 28, 1962, firm undertakings were made regarding the settlement of the Cuban crisis.
These undertakings were stated in President Kennedy's letter of October 27 and quoted in the Acting Secretary General's letter of October 28 along the following lines:
(1) The USSR would agree to remove from Cuba, under appropriate United Nations observation and supervision, all weapons systems capable of offensive use and would undertake, with suitable safeguards, to halt the further introduction of such weapons systems into Cuba.
(2) The United States would agree -- upon the establishment of adequate arrangements through the United Nations to ensure the carrying out and continuation of these commitments -- (a) to remove promptly the quarantine measures now in effect, and (b) to give assurances against an invasion of Cuba. The President also expressed his confidence that other nations of the Western Hemisphere would be prepared to do likewise.
The United States notes the statement made by the Soviet Union that all medium and intermediate range missiles, all nuclear weapons and components have been removed from Cuba, that all IL-28 bomber aircraft will be removed by December 20, and that all sites for medium range and intermediate range missiles have been dismantled. It notes also that the USSR has stated its intention to withdraw all military units and personnel placed there for the servicing or guarding of these weapons systems. The United States notes further the statement of the USSR that no weapons capable of offensive use will be introduced into Cuba in the future. We welcome these statements and assurances.
The undertakings in the President's letter of October 27 that the United Nations would be enabled to verify the removal of missiles and bombers and the destruction of sites, and that United Nations safeguards would be agreed upon to ensure against further introduction into Cuba of weapons systems capable of offensive use, have not been fulfilled. A minimum inspection procedure was, however, arranged in cooperation with the USSR, under which the United States naval vessels have received substantial verification that Soviet vessels leaving Cuba have carried out the number of missiles which the USSR had certified to the United States as having been in Cuba. The Soviet Union has also agreed to a similar form of verification of the impending withdrawal of all IL-28 bomber aircraft introduced into Cuba.
In view of the steps that have been taken by the Soviet Union to date:
the United States on its part, as of November 20, 1962, lifted the quarantine instituted on October 23, 1962; and the United States further gives assurance that,
provided no nuclear weapons or other weapons capable of offensive use are present in or reintroduced into Cuba, and provided Cuba does not take action to threaten the peace and security of the Western Hemisphere, it does not intend, as the President made clear at his press conference on November 20, to invade Cuba or support an invasion of Cuba.
This statement is made on the understanding that by reason of the refusal of Cuba to permit arrangements contemplated to assure the carrying out and continuation of the commitments in regard to the maintenance and introduction of such weapons systems in Cuba, the United States will until such time as such arrangements can be effected, continue to employ such other means of observation and verification as may be necessary.
The undertakings stated herein do not alter or impair the rights and obligations contained in the United Nations Charter or the InterAmerican Treaty or Reciprocal Assistance, to both of which the United States is a party.