A. Walter Dorn
Draft of 5 December 2018
Books & Book Chapters
Biographies and Memoirs
Conference Proceedings
Documents: Canadian Government; United Nations
Mission Specific
Books on Canadian Peacekeeping
Bin, Matthew, On Guard for Thee: Canadian Peacekeeping Missions, BookLand Press, 2007, 205 pp.
Gaffen, Fred, In the Eye of the Storm: a History of Canadian Peacekeeping. Toronto, Canada: Deneau and Wayne; 1987. 302p.
** A detailed and authoritative history of Canadian peacekeeping during the Cold War **
Gammer, Nicholas. From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking: Canada’s Response to the Yugoslav Crisis. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. I
Gardam, John, The Canadian Peacekeeper, General Store Publishing, 1992.
Gardam, John, Canadians in War and Peacekeeping, General Store Publishing, 2000.
Jockel, Joseph T., Canada and International Peacekeeping. Toronto, Canada; Washington, D.C.: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies; 1994. xi, 83p.
Enslev Johnston, Sheila, Canada's Peacekeepers (Junior Edition), Altitude Publishing; Junior Edition, 2007.
Leach, Norman S., Canadian Peacekeepers: Ten Stories of Valour in War-Torn Countries, Folk Lore Publishing, 2005.
Maloney, Sean M., Canada and UN Peacekeeping: Cold War by Other Means, 1945-1970, 2002, 265 pp.
Maloney, Sean and John Llambias. Chances for Peace: Canadian Soldiers in the Balkans, 1992-1995. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell,2003.
Book Chapters^
Cohen, Andrew, While Canada Slept: How We Lost Our Place in the World, 2004, 224 pp.
Morton, Desmond, A Military History of Canada, McClelland & Stewart, 1985. (5th ed., 2007)
Articles on Canadian Peacekeeping^
Albert Legault, "Canada's Contribution to Peacekeeping Operations," in International Peacekeeping in the Eighties: Global Outlook and Canadian Priorities, ed. John Sigler (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1982), 17-28.
Carroll, Michael K. "Peacekeeping: Canada’s past, but not its present and future?" International Journal 71.1 (2016), pp.167-176.
Jung, Karsten, Of Peace and Power: Promoting Canadian Interests Through Peacekeeping, 2009, 138 pp.
Legault Albert, Manon Tessier, George Tombs, Canada and Peacekeeping: Three Major Debates, Translated by George Tombs, Canadian Peacekeeping Press, 1999.
Dorn, A. Walter, "Canadian Peacekeeping: Proud Tradition, Strong Future?", Canadian Foreign Policy, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Fall 2005), pp.7–32.
Dorn, A. Walter, "Canada Pulls Out of Peacekeeping," The Globe and Mail, 27 March 2006.
Dorn, A. Walter, "Canada's Honourable Role as a Peacekeeping Nation" (pdf) in Lucia Kowaluk and Steven Staples (eds.), Afghanistan and Canada: Is There an Alternative to War?, Black Rose Books, Montreal/New York/London, 2009, pp.275-283.
Martin, Paul, "Canada's Role in Supporting United Nations Peacekeeping" in Canada and the Quest for Peace, 1967.
Pearson, Geoffrey AH, "Canadian Attitudes to Peacekeeping," in Peacekeeping: Appraisals and Proposals, 118-29 (Henry Wiseman ed.).
Sigler, John, International Peacekeeping in the Eighties: Global Outlook and Canadian Priorities. Ottawa : Norman Paterson School of International Affaire, Carleton University, 1982.
Wagner, Eric, "The Peaceable Kingdom? The National Myth of Canadian Peacekeeping and the Cold War", Canadian Military Journal 7.4 (2006).
United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library, Peacekeeping Operations: A Bibliography (Monographs 1945-2002) - DHL/USS/ECRD/BIB/1/Pt.4, http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/pkeep.htm.
Jones, Peter. Peacekeeping: an Annotated Bibliography. East Kingston, Canada: Frye; 198p. xl, 152p.
Biographies and Memoirs^
Axworthy, Lloyd, Navigating a New World Order: Canada's Global Future, Vintage Canada, 2004, 474 pp.
Burns, E. L. M., Between Arab and Israeli. Toronto, Canada: Clarke and Irwin; 1962, 336 pp.
Chretien, Jean, My Years as Prime Minister, Knopf Canada, 2007.
Dallaire, Romeo, Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, Random House Canada, 584.
Davis, James, The Sharp End: A Canadian Soldier's Story, Douglas & McIntyre Ltd, 1997.
De Domenico , John E. G., Land of a Million Elephants: Memoirs of a Canadian Peacekeeper, 113 pp. [memoirs of service with the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Laos]
Grant, Kurt. All Tigers, No Donkeys: A Citizen Soldier in Croatia, 1994-1995. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell, 2005. [diaries from reservist in UNPROFOR/Croatia, 1994-1995.]
MacKenzie, Lewis. Peacekeeper: the Road to Sarajevo. Toronto, Canada: Harper Collins Pub.; 1994. xx, 546 pp.
MacKenzie, MGen Lewis. "Canada's Army-Post Peacekeeping," Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 12.1 (2009).
Martin, Paul, Hell or High Water: My Life in and out of Politics, Emblem Editions, 2009, 504 pp.
Martin, Paul, A Very Public Life, Ottawa: Deneau, 1983.
Off, Carol, The Lion, the Fox & the Eagle: A Story of Generals and Justice in Rwanda and Yugoslavia, Random House Canada, 2001, 416 pp.
Pearson, Lester B., Mike: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, University of Toronto Press, 1972.
Conference Proceedings^
Byers, Rod B. and Michael Slack (eds.) Canada and peacekeeping: prospects for the future. York, Canada: York University; 1983. 56p.
Cox, David, Alastair M. Taylor, and Granatstein, J.L., "Peacekeeping: international challenge and Canadian response." Contemporary affairs, No. 39. Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs; 1968. 221 pp.
Sigler, John, ed. International Peacekeeping in the Eighties: Global Outlook and Canadian Priorities. Ottawa: Norman Paterson School of International Affairs; 1982. 58 pp.
Taylor, Alastair M., D. Cox and J. L. Granatstein. Peacekeeping: international challenge and Canadian response. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Institute of International Affairs; 1968. 221 pp.
York University. Peacekeeping: norms, policy and process. 1993 peacekeeping Symposium, Toronto, Canada: York University. Center for International and Strategic Studies; 1993.
Documents: Canadian Government^
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence. Eighth report of the Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence respecting United Nations and peacekeeping. Ottawa: The Committee; 1970. 96 pp.
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs. The dilemmas of a committed peacekeeper: Canada and the renewal of peacekeeping. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada; 1993. xiii, 46, 48, xiiip.
Canada. Parliament. Senate. Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Meeting new challenges : Canada's response to a new generation of peacekeeping : report of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. [Ottawa]: The Committee; 1993. xi, 95, xii, 103p.
International Policy Statement (2004): Overview, Diplomacy, Defence, Development.
Meeting of Military Experts to Consider the Technical Aspects of United Nations Peace-keeping Operations (1964: Ottawa). Ottawa: [s.n.]; 1964. Note: Meeting called by the Government of Canada.
White Papers on Defence:
2017 Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada's Defence Policy (DND pdf)
2009 Canada First Defence Strategy
2005 A Role of Pride and Influence in the World : Defence Policy Statement
1994 1994 Defence White Paper
1987 Challenge and Commitment: A Defence Policy for Canada\
1971 White Paper on Defence
1964 White Paper on Defence
White Papers on Foreign Affairs:
2005 A Role of Pride and Influence in the World
1995 Canada in the World: Government Statement
1970 Foreign Policy for Canadians
1968 Federalism and International Conferences on Education: A Supplement to Federalism and International Relations
1968 Federalism and International Relations
See also webpage "Primary Sources & Doctrine On Security & Peace Operations": http://walterdorn.net/pub/162
Documents: United Nations^
Official Document System (ODS), Advanced Search: http://documents.un.org/advance.asp
"Peacekeeping MIsisons," Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, www.un.org/en/sc/repertoire/subsidiary_organs/peacekeeping_missions.shtml
Issue Specific^
Collins, Robin, "The Caricaturing of UN Peacekeeping," Policy Options, 20 February 2018. Available at: http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/february-2018/the-caricaturing-of-un-peacekeeping/
Haglund, David G. and Peter L. Jones, Canada, the "lessons" of peacekeeping, and Central America. Kingston, Canada: Centre for International Relations, Queen's University; 1989. 46p.
Hill, R. J., Command and control problems of UN and similar peacekeeping operations, Ottawa: Canada. Department of National Defence; 1968. iii, 39 pp.
Jansen, Gordon W. V., The official rationale for Canadian participation in international peacekeeping: a comparison of the Trudeau administration and the internationalist era. Ottawa: Carleton University; 1978. Note: Thesis (M.A.), Carleton University.
Maloney, S. M., Insights into Canadian Peacekeeping Doctrine, Military Review 76(2) 12-23 (1996).
MacKay, Peter. “Peacekeeping is not suited to today’s conflicts”, Policy Options (January 2018). Available at: http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/january-2018/peacekeeping-is-not-suited-to-todays-conflicts/ . A response was provided by Robin Collins (see above).
Canadian Operations in Support of the United Nations. [New York]: [s.n.]; 1966. 21p.
Mission Specific (Cdn Participation, see also Biographies)^
Carroll, Michael Kiernan, Pearson's Peacekeepers: Canada and the United Nations Emergency Force, 1956-1967, UBC Press, 2009 - History - 229 pages
Off, Carol, The Ghosts of Medak Pocket: The Story of Canada's Secret War, 2005, 320 pp.
Oliviero, Charles S., LCol (ret’d). “Operation ‘Deliverance’: International Success or Domestic Failure?” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 2001, pp. 51-58. {Somalia mission]
Spooner, Kevin A., Canada, the Congo Crisis, and UN Peacekeeping, UBC Press, 2010, 296 pp.
Media (Newspapers)^
Archives search of
The Globe and Mail: http://heritage.theglobeandmail.com
The Toronto Star: http://micromedia.pagesofthepast.ca
Environics Research, "Canada's World Poll 2008", (Simons Foundation) (pdf: The_Canada's_World_Poll_-_Final_Report.pdf)(Canada’s most positive contribution to the world: peacekeeping)
Nanos Research, "Views on Canada’s role in peacekeeping missions (National survey)," released October, 2016 (Project 2016-914). (pdf) (CTV report, 13 Oct 20165)
Paris, Roland, "Are Canadians still liberal internationalists? Foreign policy and public opinion in the Harper era," International Journal, 2014, Vol. 69(3) 274–307. (URL: http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~rparis/lib_int.pdf)(includes charts of polling results on peacekeeping)
World Federalists of Canada. Canadian Initiative Towards Strengthening the United Nations Peacekeeping Function. Ottawa: World Federalists of Canada; 1964. 9, 10 leaves.
Bishop, Peter V., Canada and the Controversy over the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto; 1969. xix, 792p. Note: Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Toronto, 1969
Murray, John Darrach, Canada's Military Commitment to International Peacekeeping. [s.n.]: York University; 1975. xi, 216 leaves. Note: Thesis (M.A.), York University, 1975.
Patsalides, John George, The Canadian Response to the Establishment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. [s.l.]: University of Western Ontario; 1975. vi, 110 leaves.Note: Thesis (M.A.), University of Western Ontario, 1975.
Training and Education^
Military Observer Course (MILOBS)
Other courses that some military personnel may use as PSO training (though mostly used for pre-Afghanistan): Individual Pre-Deployment Training (IPT); Influence Operations Courses — including Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC); Psychological Operations (PSYOPS); and Information Operations (INFO OPS).
Other course that some civilian personnel may use as PSO training (though mostly used for pre-Afghanistan): Hazardous Environment Training (HET)
Dorn, A. Walter and Josh Libben, "Preparing for peace: Myths and realities of Canadian peacekeeping training," International Journal, Vol. 73, Iss. 2, pp. 257-281 (26 July 2018) (html) (pdf).
Peace Operations Working Group
Pearson Peacekeeping Centre – closed December 2013
Notes on Accessing Materials
– search Google Books for "Canadian Peacekeeping" for some of these materials online
[To be added: - Links from contents above to titles below - Publisher name, total page number (where missing) - New and missing book, book chapters and articles - Links to online versions (where available) - Formatting to be checked]