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Canada’s peacekeeping personnel at all-time low (Globe & Mail) (html) (pdf) * NEWEST *
Why Ukraine Should Seek Peace (New York Times Guest Essay) (html) (pdf
Rwanda’s genocide could have been prevented (The Conversation
Hindu ethics of warfare: The Purāṇas (Int. Rev. Red Cross, Cambridge U. Press) (Abstract html) (pdf)
Use of Force in Peacekeeping (PKO Journal, Korean PKO Center) (html
Measuring Israel by the Just-War Yardstick in Gaza (New York Times Guest Essay) (html) (pdf* PROMINENT *
Attack Helicopters: Key Enablers for Protection of Civilians (Palgrave Macmillan) (pdf
Eastern Ukraine: Tech Innovation in OSCE Special Monitoring Mission  (OSCE Yearbook 2019) (html) (pdf 
      (searchable pdf, 8 MB) (German pdf) 
Cyberpeacekeeping to Prevent/Manage Cyberattacks  (html) (Int. J. Cyber Warfare &Terrorism) (pdf) 

Tracking the Promises: Canada's contributions to UN peacekeeping (html)
  ** Updated monthly **


Canada’s cluster bomb legislation: shamelessly flawed (iPolitics)
Chemical and nuclear Inspection agencies: OPCW/IAEA Comparison, IAEA Bulletin (html) (pdf)
Chemical Weapons Convention: an overview
Chemical Weapons Convention: compliance provisions
Chemical Weapons Convention: ratification testimony before the Foreign Affairs Committee (html) (full session)
Compliance Mechanisms in Disarmament Treaties (html) (pdf)
Mine clearance tech (html) (pdf)
NPT Compliance and North Korea: carrots, sticks and bombs (html) (pdf) 
PAXSAT: a Canadian initiative in arms control
Satellite and Airborne Surveillance for Arms Control: workshop report
Small Arms, Human Security and Development (html) (pdf) (French)
Treaties for Arms Control: tabulation (html) (pdf)
UN Should Verify Treaties  (pdf
UN Verification: case for a UN Verification Agency
Verification Agency Inside or Outside the UN? 



Canada & Peace Operations (by year)

Unprepared for Peace? Canadian Training for Peacekeeping (html) (pdf, 2016) (Fr) (CCPA) (Toronto Star Editorial) 
UN peacekeeping: Canada’s back? When? How? (Policy Options, 2017) 
Canada: The Once and Future Peacekeeper (pdf: enfr) (WFMC Book, 2017)
Back in the Game: Canada's potential contributions to UN operations (2-pager for Defence Policy Review, 2017)
     (pdf: enfr(Update 2018, pdf: enfr)
Canadian Contributions to UN Peace Operations: House Defence Committee testimony 2018 (html)
     transcript (enfr); audio; handout graphs (pdf: enfr); 2-page brief (pdf: enfr, 2018); full report (pdf: en, fr)
     Senate Security/Defence Committee (2016): testimony (en, fr) (full report: html; pdf en, fr) 
Canadian Contributions to UN Peace Operations: proposals 
(pdf: enfr
Peacekeeping Training in Canada (html) (International Journal) (2018)
Peacekeeping Promises: Kept or Broken? (html) (pdf) in The United Nations and Canada 2018  
Canadian Peacekeepers Needed in Mali (RCMI SitRep) (pdf, 2020)
Tracking the Promises: Canada's contributions to UN peacekeeping (html) ** Updated mid-monthly **
Canada & UN Peace Operations: Re-engaging Slowly but Not so Surely  (html) (pdf) (Palgrave Macmillan) (2021)
Maple Leaf and Blue Beret: Cdn peacekeeping history (Dorn chapter pdf) (book pdf) (2023)

Op-eds (by year)

Canada Pulls Out of Peacekeeping and Plunges into Afghanistan (Globe & Mail , 2006)
Where are Our Peacekeepers? (Toronto Star , 2009)
It's Time to Keep the Peace Again (National Post, 2011)
Canada Moves Further from Peacekeeping  (Toronto Star, 2013)
A return of Canada, the Peacekeeper (html) (Open Canada) (pdf, 2015)
Canada to keep the peace again (html) (Hill Times) (pdf, 2016)
Canada dithers on peacekeeping commitment (Ottawa Citizen, 2017)
Trudeau Government’s Rhetoric on Peacekeeping Has Priority Over Action (Ottawa Citizen, 2017)
What happened to Trudeau’s peacekeeping promise? (html) (Toronto Star) (version en français)
UN Peacekeeping Works but Canada's Contribution at All-time Low (Hill Times op-ed, 2020) (pdf)
Harjit Sajjan and Canada’s peacekeeping promises  (Globe & Mail, 2021) (html) (pdf
Canada is letting other nations do the heavy lifting on peacekeeping (Globe & Mail, 2023) (html) (pdf)




The International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression
Arms Control 



Afghanistan: give peacekeeping a chance (html) (pdf)
Air Power in UN Operations: Four Facets (html) (pdf)
AIR POWER IN UN OPERATIONS: Wings for Peace (Ashgate/Routledge, 2014) (full contents, pdfs)
Bosnia Security Sector Reform (pdf)
Canada: See section Canada & Peace Operations (above)
Central African Republic: Opportunity for Canadian peacekeeping (html)

Cyberpeacekeeping: A New Role for the United Nations? (html) (pdf(digest in Peace Magazine)
East Timor 1999: Tragedy and Triumph. Experiences of a UN Electoral Officer (html) (pdf)
East Timor: personal encounters with militias
Mandates of peace ops (lists and extracts): Traditional, Multidimensional, Summary 
Peace Operations: Terms & Definitions (for House Defence Committee) (pdf: en, fr annex)
Peacekeeping Ops in Middle East: 21st Century Review  (Int Peacekeeping) (pdf)

Peacekeeping Then, Now and Always (html) (pdf)
Peacekeeping Works: The UN Can Help End Civil Wars  (International Journal) (pdf 
Regional Peacekeeping Is Not the Way (html) (pdf)
Rwanda: "Preventing the Bloodbath", could the UN have predicted & prevented the genocide? (html) (pdf)
The Peacekeepers Film Study Guide (pdf), NFB (en, fr)
UN Humanitarian Air Service: Flying Humanitarians (html) (pdf)
Web links on Peacekeeping

Who is Dying for Peace? (Fatalities in Peacekeeping) (html) (pdf)

Peacekeeping Intelligence  (PKI) 
Human Security Intelligence (pdf)
Intelligence-Gathering in UN Peacekeeping: the limits (html) (pdf)
UN Headquarters Intelligence: Zaire 1996 (html) (pdf)
UN Peacekeeping Intelligence, chapter in Oxford Handbook (html, OUP access) (pdf1) (pdf2)

PKI Case Studies
Congo: Intelligence and Peacekeeping: the UN Operation in the Congo 1960-64 (html) (pdf)
Haiti: Intelligence-led Peacekeeping: the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (html) (pdf) 
Lebanon: Aerial Surveillance 1958 (html) (pdf) 
Mali: Evolution of Peacekeeping Intelligence (html) (pdf)
Namibia: Crisis warning 1989 (html) (pdf)

Peacekeeping Simulation: From wargames to peacegames (International Peacekeeping journal 2020) (pdf)
Simulating Peace Operations: Digital Training and Education (Simulation & Gaming 2021) (html) (pdf)
Peacekeeping simulations project (current) website
Technology in Peace Ops
Airships for Humanitarian & UN Peace Operations? (html) (pdf)
Crucial Technologies for the Protection of Civilians by UN Peace Operations (html) (Brill, pdf) (pdf)
Data Analysis Tools of UN and OSCE Field Operations  (Security & Human Rights Journal) (html) (pdf
Eastern Ukraine: Tech Innovation in OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (OSCE Yearbook 2019) (html) (pdf
      (searchable pdf, 8 MB)
Give the Peacekeepers Tools They Need (html) (National Post op-ed) 
High-tech peacekeeping (html) (pdf)
Innovative Technology: Mission-Multiplier (2017 Vancouver Ministerial) (enfr) (pdf: enfr)
KEEPING WATCH: Monitoring, Technology and Innovation in UN Peace Operations (contents, full pdf)
New Tech for Peace & Protection: Expanding the R2P Toolbox (co-author Lloyd Axworthy) (Daedalus) (html) (pdf)
New Expert Panel Needed on Technology and UN Peace Operations (ZIF-Berlin) (pdf)
Performance Peacekeeping: technology and innovation in UN peacekeeping (UN panel, 2015) (pdf 11 MB)
Smart Peacekeeping: Toward Tech-Enabled Operations (Exec Summary html) (IPI) (pdf, 1.4  MB)
Smartphones for Smart Peacekeeping
Surveillance in Cyprus: UN peacekeeping force (html) (pdf)
Technologie: le maintien de la paix à la fine pointe de la technologie? (html link) (pdf)
Technology Investments Paying Off in Peace Operations (OSCE & UN) (Security and Human Rights Monitor) (pdf)
Technology Innovation Model for the UN: The “TechNovation Cycle”  (html) (pdf
Tools of the Trade? monitoring and surveillance technologies for UN peacekeeping (pdf)
Tracking Peacekeepers in Real-time (html) (pdf) (IPI version, pdf)
UAVs in UN operations: Eye in the Sky (pdf)
UN Drones: "Les drones onusiens pour le maintien de la paix" (fr, pdf)
UN Technology to Cope with COVID-19 and Beyond (UN Chronicle: enfr) (pdf
Use of Force (see also PKI case studies)
Peacekeepers in Combat: Protection of Civilians (POC) in the DRC/Congo (html(Brill pdf) (pdf


Hinduism's Rāmāyaṇa and the Just War (html) (pdf)
Hinduism’s rules of armed conflict and int. humanitarian law  (Int. Rev. Red CrossCUP) (html) (pdf)
Hindu ethics of warfare: The Purāṇas (Abstract html) (Int. Rev. Red Cross, Cambridge U. Press)
Lotus on the Lake: eastern spirituality & world peace (html) (pdf)
Modern Sikh Warriors (html) (pdf
The Sword and the Turban: armed force in Sikh thought (html) (pdf)
U Thant: Buddhism in action (html) (pdf)

War & Peace in World Religions (Scriptural Justifications):
Part I: Abrahamic religions (pdf)
Part II: religions of Indic origin (pdf) 
Part III: comparison of seven world religions (pdf) (yumpu view)

   Religions on War/Peace Page


>> Citations of publications by "A. Walter Dorn": Google Scholar; Google Scholar Profile and Google Books.